Your Home Town Bulletin • March 2025

Planning for an accessory dwelling unit (ADU)

A new state law – RCW 36.70A.681 – went into effect in July 2023 that requires all Washington cities to allow building of accessory dwelling units (ADU) on residential lots. In DuPont (including Northwest Landing), an ADU may only be constructed on a single-family residential lot. This is new ground for the city and the Northwest Landing Residential Owners Association. If you are considering building an ADU on your property, a request must be made through the ROA’s Property Improvement Committee, along with a City of DuPont building permit.

The state’s definition of an ADU has been adopted into DuPont City Code. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) means a residential living unit providing independent livingfacilities and permanent provisions for sleeping, cooking, sanitation, and living on the same lot as a single-family home, duplex, triplex, townhome, or other housing unit. An attached ADU is a dwelling unit located within or attached to another housing unit. A detached ADU is separate and detached from another housing unit.

The ROA has not completed a full analysis of the extent to which its governing documents restrict or prohibit ADUs, but Section 12.5 of the Declaration does state that the Association may require that all occupants of a lot must be a single housekeeping unit, among other requirements.

What is an ADU? Here’s a description from Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC): An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a small, self-contained residential unit located on the same lot as an existing single-family home. An ADU has all the basic facilities needed for day-to-day living independent of the main home, such as a kitchen, sleeping area, and a bathroom. As the term “accessory” implies, ADUs are generally defined to be smaller in size and prominence than the main residence on the lot – 1,000 square feet or less. Some definitions include specific size limits, and a location that is not readily visible from the street. In theory, an ADU may be created as a separate unit within an existing home (such as in an attic or basement), an addition to the home (such as a separate apartment unit with separate entrance), or in a separate structure on the lot (such as a converted garage). ADUs are sometimes called “mother-in-law apartments” or “granny flats,” because they are often used to house extended family. 

If you are interested in adding an ADU to your property, you will, essentially, be a test case for both the city and the ROA. To get started, here’s the City of DuPont Building Permit Application. Before sending a property improvement request into the ROA, please call 253-964-1289 to discuss your project and get ROA staff assistance.

Learn more about ADUs in Washington: Washington State Department of Commerce Guidance for ADUs in Washington State.


Reminder about waste containers

The preferred storage area for waste containers is behind a fence. Homes without a fence should place waste containers neatly together at least five feet behind the front or rear plane of the house. Waste containers must not be stored on driveways or beyond the front or rear plane of the house.

Homes where trash pickup is in the alley must store the waste containers behind a fence or as close to the house as possible so that the containers may not be viewed from either end of the alley.

Waste containers may not be stored adjacent to the alley, or in any way obstruct ingress and egress of normal traffic or emergency vehicles.

Set out waste containers no more than 24 hours before scheduled pick-up. Waste containers must be returned to their storage area no later than 10 a.m. the day after pick-up. If a resident cannot comply with these guidelines (out of town, etc.), they should notify the Association ahead of time.

LeMay-Pierce County Refuse picks up garbage and recycle containers every other Monday; garbage and yard waste containers alternate Mondays. You can download a phone app that will remind you of pickup dates for recycling and yard waste.

Community Yard Sales 2025

Saturday and Sunday, May 31 and June 1, and Saturday, September 20, are the 2025 yard sale dates for Northwest Landing. Please note that yard sales are not sponsored by either the Northwest Landing ROA or the City of DuPont. Governing documents for Northwest Landing state that yard sales may be held two times a year and are announced by the ROA. If there is enough interest to hold a two-day yard sale in September, we will announce that later this year.

Who to call – city or ROA

Whether you are new to Northwest Landing or have lived here for several years, you may not know who to call about something like an abandoned car on the street or a tree that is ready to fall down. If something is on a city street, grass strip between sidewalk and street, park, or trail, the City of DuPont has jurisdiction. That includes lost dogs, dangerous or sick wild animals, graffiti, and fallen trees. Go to Report a Problem on the city’s website.  

If something is in an alleyway or a greenspace/pocket park (most have red benches), Northwest Landing ROA has jurisdiction. Call 253-964-1289 or email . If you receive a violation notice or fine and have questions, call 253-964-1289 or . If you’ve got a complaint about a property in Northwest Landing, you must submit it in writing to .

The Northwest Landing website hosts a Who You Gonna Call webpage which includes common topics our office gets questions about. Governing documents for the association are also available without logging into the members’ portal.

Northwest Landing Events

Register for events here       


Easter Egg Hunt – 11 a.m. • Saturday • April 12 • DuPont Powderworks Park • all ages egg hunt, no registration required. 

Board of Directors – 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday • April 16, 2025 – via Zoom– reservations required by April 9. Call 253-964-1289 to reserve. On Zoom. Your 2024 Board of Directors can be reached at . Please contact staff at  if you have questions or concerns a violation notice or want to report a problem with a Northwest Landing property.


Northwest Landing ROA Annual Meeting • 6 p.m. • Wednesday • April 23 • online via Zoom. Call 253-964-1289 to reserve by April 21.


Property Improvement Committee – meetings are generally held at 5:30 p.m. – 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Except for underground irrigation systems, this committee must review all exterior modifications, including painting, roofing, adding central air conditioning, heat pump or solar panels, fences, sheds, patios, patio covers, decks, landscape renovations, adding or removing trees. Some projects may also require a city permit. Underground irrigation systems require a city permit. Property Improvement forms can be downloaded from the homeowner’s portal on the website. Go to Member Logins. After you login, click on Documents, then open the folder Property Improvement Committee Forms. Call 253-964-1289 if you need help finding PIC forms.




Dear ROA,

There are several places on my street where tree roots are raising sidewalks, causing a tripping hazard. The child of one of my neighbors fell face down on the sidewalk and broke her nose. Who is responsible for sidewalk and street tree maintenance?

  • Concerned in Palisade Village

Dear Concerned,

I know none of us will like this answer but we the individual residents are generally responsible. Most cities in Washington, including the City of DuPont, require that the adjacent homeowner pay for any repairs to sidewalks and tree maintenance. The City of DuPont, recognizing that there were many street trees that were poor choices for a small area (the parking strip between the sidewalk and the street), applied for a grant a few years ago to help replace trees with invasive roots. Those funds, unfortunately, have been used up. The ROA is working with the city on a possible solution. Homeowners are responsible for watering and trimming street trees. If a tree dies from neglect (no water), the city will replace the tree and charge the homeowner.



Property maintenance – including alleyways

Our compliance officer is seeing lots of examples of yards where there are dead leaves all over the lawn, moss on roofs and moldy siding. If you receive a compliance notice and don’t fix the problem, you will be fined. Homeowners are also responsible for trimming plantings and removing weeds in alleyways.

Washington State University’s suggested timeline for fertilizing lawns in western Washington is November 15–December 7, April 15, June 15, and September 1.

Gardening resources for Washington State – flower beds, fruits, lawns, pest management, and more.


If you have suggestions about plants and plant care for the bulletin, email 


City of DuPont Events

Beginning Guitar and Ukelele • 6-week classes begin Tuesday • February 25 • ukelele: 4:15 p.m. • guitar: 6:30 p.m. • $149-residents, $179-non-residents

Senior Lunch & Movie • Tuesday • March 4 • $10 plus tax • sign up in advance

Savvy Seniors • Wednesdays • 1-3 p.m. • DuPont Community Center • meet new friends • board & card games • fun projects

Gentle Yoga • Saturdays • 8-9 a.m. • DuPont Community Center • 303 Barksdale Avenue • $150 for 10 classes, $18 for drop-in session.

Yin Yoga • Wednesdays • 5:30-6:30 p.m. • DuPont Community Center • 303 Barksdale Avenue • $150 for 10 classes, $18 for drop-in session.

Zumba Class • Mondays • 6-7 p.m. • March 3-April 7 • DuPont Community Center • 303 Barksdale Avenue • $60

SAIL Senior Fitness Class • Mondays & Thursdays • 9-10 a.m. • March 3-April 7 • DuPont Community Center • 303 Barksdale Avenue • $180

DuPont Historical Society Annual Meeting • Monday • March 17 • 6:30 p.m. • DuPont Historical Museum • 207 Barksdale Avenue

DuPont’s Heirloom OrchardSunday • March 23 • 2 p.m. • DuPont Historical Museum • 207 Barksdale Avenue • presentation by Mike Farley.

Cherry Blossom Tea • Tea with Queen Victoria • Saturday • April 5 • 2 p.m. • The Home Course • advance tickets required: $35 or $264 for table of eight.

Outer Space Explorers Camp • ages 7-9 • April 7-9 • DuPont Community Center • 303 Barksdale Avenue • $125

Youth Sports  • Spring Registration Open • FastPitch Softball • Baseball • T-Ball

Teen Events and Programs  • Dungeons & Dragons • Knitting Club • Teen League


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