• Your Home Town Bulletin •

Your Home Town Bulletin is published online monthly. You may also want to subscribe to the email version of the bulletin, which gives a short synopsis of each topic with links to this page.  

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Jan. 2024


Safety tips from DuPont Police, neighborly parking, gardening and hummingbirds in winter

Click here to open the January issue.


Feb. 2024

Home fire system care, winter home maintenance and gardening, more new mailboxes coming

Click here to open the February issue.

March 2024

Spring is coming! Hunt for Easter eggs and shamrocks, take a yoga or photography class, visit the DuPont Community Garden

Click here to open the March issue.

April 2024

Record turnout for annual egg hunt! Who needs to know about your backyard greenhouse, lawn damage from dogs in the neighborhood, DuPont garden sale

Click here to open the April issue.

May 2024

New ROA Board members, rainbow bridge Scout project, Mince Mercantile best lunch spot, gardening workshops in May and June, the buzz about bees and bears

Click here to open the May issue.

June 2024


Fence cleaning and alley sealcoating projects, new DuPont Chamber of Commerce, lawn care workshop, and more!

Click here to open the June issue.


July 2024


Stay safe this Independence Day, Concerts in the Park begin in July, Chamber of Commerce hosts block party, learn BBQ techniques from masters

Click here to open the July issue.


August 2024




Click here to open the August issue.


Sept. 2024




Click here to open the September issue.


Oct. 2024




Click here to open the October issue.

Nov. 2024



Click here to open the November issue.

Dec. 2024



Click here to open the December er issue.