Alley Sealcoating – Yehle Village – July 16-19

Alleys in part of Yehle Village north of McNeill will have asphalt sealcoated between Tuesday, July 16, and Friday, July 19. 

Plants in alleyways: After June 12, Premier Landcare will be trimming plants in the alleys so they are one foot from the asphalt. If you want these plants trimmed a certain way, please do so before June 12.

Alley entrances will have signs posted 24 hours in advance. Do not enter the alleys while work is underway.

Be sure your irrigation is turned off. Don’t water plants or wash vehicles near the alley at least 24 hours before sealing is scheduled. Alleys cannot be sealed if they are wet. 

Do not drive or walk on wet sealcoating. Please stay off the wet sealant – including vehicles – for at least 24 hours after sealcoating is completed. 

There will be no access to the alley or your garage entry for 24 hours after the sealant is applied. Please arrange to park on the street no later than 5 a.m. the day your alley work is scheduled. The contractor will remove signs and barricades when the work is complete, and alleys are open for travel.

Homeowners, please be sure to give this information to anyone living in your home, or your property manager. Homeowners may be charged for any damages to the new sealcoating.

Sealcoat Schedule – download map here to locate your address

Tuesday, July 16: Fisher Avenue and Braget Street

Wednesday, July 17: South side of Charles Street and north side of Bob’s Hollow between Garry Oaks Avenue and Wren Road, and alley on north side of Charles Street west of Garry Oaks Avenue

Thursday, July 18: Alleys on south side of Charles Street, west of Garry Oaks Avenue, and north side of Bob’s Hollow between Garry Oaks Avenue and Wallace Loop.