Your Home Town Bulletin • March 2024
Information for new (and longtime) residents
Are you new to Northwest Landing? Even if you have lived here for several years, you may not know who to call – Northwest Landing or City of DuPont. Whether you are an owner or renter, there is information for you on the Northwest Landing website. A Who You Gonna Call webpage includes common topics our office gets questions about. Governing documents for the association are also available without logging into the members’ portal.
Reminder about trash pickup change
LeMay Pierce County Refuse now picks up garbage and yard waste one week; garbage and recycle the next week. Yard waste is no longer picked up the same day as recycle. Download the LeMay phone app and set up reminders for what gets picked up when.
Be the change you wish to see
Nominations for two open seats on the Board of Directors must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 4. Later in the month, watch your email for electronic voting (Vote HOA). If you prefer to turn in a hard copy of your nomination or vote, please drop it off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays or mail it to 1495 Wilmington Drive Suite 110 DuPont, WA 98327.
Community Yard Sales 2024
Saturday, June 22, and Saturday, September 14, are the two dates yard sales may be held in Northwest Landing. Please note that yard sales are not sponsored by either the Northwest Landing ROA or the City of DuPont. Governing documents for Northwest Landing state that yard sales may be held two times a year and are announced by the ROA. We’re trying something new this year by offering to post addresses for people who are planning to hold a yard sale. Just addresses will be posted; no items for sale or contact information. To sign up, go to the Announcements page.
ROA Annual Meeting – Priorities for 2024 and beyond
In late February, an opinion survey was sent to Northwest Landing homeowners to learn more about what association members (anyone who owns property in Northwest Landing) would like to see in the future. We also asked what members like and don’t like about living in Northwest Landing. Many said that what they like about living here is that Northwest Landing is a quiet and family-friendly community, walkable, with access to trails and activities. What don’t members like? Living in a community with a homeowner’s association (ROA) and lack of community amenities, such as a community center.
We also asked if homeowners use one or more of the 152 green spaces in Northwest Landing. Most (80%) said they use a green space occasionally to very often. When we asked if there were other uses homeowners would like to see for green spaces, more than half of those surveyed said the green spaces should be left as is. We asked the question because the association spends an average of $450.000 on green space maintenance every year. We wanted to find out if homeowners would like to see some of these spaces have added amenities. For example, the city supports a well-loved and popular community garden. Is there a need or desire for more community garden spaces? Or maybe a native plant garden? Several responded that you would like to see space for specialty gardens.
The survey also shows us that many people are confused about which properties are the responsibility of the city and which are the responsibility of the ROA. Survey results will be shared with the city as well. We’re exploring adding signs to the spaces that are owned and maintained by Northwest Landing ROA.
All parks, with the exception of Willson St. playground and green spaces with red benches, are owned and operated by the City of DuPont. There were several comments in the survey about park upkeep and renewal. The city completed upgrades to Clocktower Park last year. This year, they are looking for public input for improvements to Chief Leschi Park in the Hoffman Hill Village.
At our April 24 annual meeting, we’ll talk about some suggestions received from homeowners. Property owners will receive an invitation to the annual meeting in U.S. mail.
Northwest Landing Events
ROA Meetings
Board of Directors • 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday • April 17 • online via Zoom
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings but must make a reservation by April 10, 2024. Call 253-964-1289.
Annual Meeting • All Homeowners • 6 p.m. • April 24 • Best Western/Liberty Inn • Reservations required: call 253-964-1289 or email
Property Improvement Committee – 5:30 p.m. – 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
NOTE: Meeting dates are subject to change. Check the calendar on the homeowner’s portal. This committee reviews all exterior modifications, including painting, roofing, adding central air conditioning or solar panels, fences, sheds, patios, patio covers, decks, landscape renovations, adding or removing trees. Some projects may also require a city permit. Project forms can be downloaded from the homeowner’s portal on the website.
City of DuPont Events
“Stitches in Time” • Cherry Blossom Tea • 2 p.m. • Saturday • March 9 • Eagles Pride Golf Course • This annual benefit for DuPont Historical Museum features high tea and special treats. Presentation by Phyllis Beaver, quilt historian. Tickets must be purchased in advance: $35 per person or $264 for a table of 8. For reservations, call 253-459-4339 or email .
Shamrock Search • March 4-10 • DuPont trails • Clues will be posted daily on the DuPont Historical Museum Facebook page leading you towards the shamrock hidden that day. All shamrock finders will be entered into a raffle.
St. Patrick’s Day Pickleball Tournament • Sunday • March 17 • 23 Kitchens in Lacey
Board Game Day • Sunday • March 17 • 1-4 p.m. • DuPont Historical Museum
Senior Lunch & Movie • Tuesday • March 19 • 11 a.m. • Cost is $10 plus tax, choice of several movies at Regal Martin Village Theaters in Lacey.
Spring Bliss for Middle Schoolers • Wednesday • March 27 • Bliss Ice Cream • $15 per child • Pizza, ice cream and egg painting – two times available: 2-3:15 and 3:15-4:30 p.m. Reservations are required.
Bunny Breakfast • Saturday, March 30 • Doors open at 9 a.m. • The Home Course
Mother’s Day Market • Saturday • May 4 • 10 a.m.-3 p.m. • Clocktower Park
DuPont Parks & Recreation Spring Classes:
- Gentle Yoga • Saturdays • March 2-May 4 • 7:30-8:30 a.m. • DuPont Community Center
- Digital Photography Techniques • Saturdays • April 13-May 11 • 1:30-3:30 p.m. • DuPont Historical Museum
- Valor Conservatory of Dance • Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Hip Hop for Youth and Adults • DuPont Community Center
Your favorite recipes for DuPont cookbook
DuPont Parks & Recreation is gathering up some lovin’ from the oven for a community cookbook to be sold at the 2024 DuPont Farmers Market. All proceeds from cookbook sales will help support the farmers market. Submit your favorite recipes no later than Friday, March 8. Please email recipes to Zac at
Sign up for city news
You can sign up for city email lists on a variety of topics including parks and recreation, public works, and city council news. Sign up for City of DuPont newsletters and alerts here
Dear ROA,
Okay, I got a notice from the ROA in December about cleaning the siding and roof on my house. These treatments need to be done when it’s warmer in order for them to work. Are you going to give me more time to get those projects done?
- Too cold for outdoor cleaning
Dear Too Cold,
The siding can be cleaned anytime of year. You are correct about moss on the roof. Most companies recommend spring for that cleanup. Our compliance officer notes violations – in this case siding and roof that need cleaning – when they are observed. Our office needs to hear back from you about when you will be able to take care of the cleanup. You will not be fined if you let us know when you can get it done, and your proposed time frame is reasonable
Spring is right around the corner
Spring is just a few weeks away! What’s what in the garden right now? Do you need help? You might not know, but DuPont hosts an amazing Community Garden, located on Center Drive near Sequalitchew Creek. The DuPont Community Garden is a non-profit organization entirely run by volunteers who manage a 1.5-acre garden on City of DuPont land. Member gardeners grow organic vegetables and fruit in 90 raised beds. There is such an abundance of produce that gardeners donate more than half of their crops (more than 60,000 pounds!) to local food banks in Lakewood and Lacey. Garden members also sell veggie and flower plants at the DuPont Farmers Market. Join the garden crew to get first-hand experience.
Aerial view of DuPont Community Garden, below
Another learning resource is the Edible Gardens Workshop Series taught by educators from the Pierce County Conservation District and Pierce County Planning and Public Works. Classes are held on Saturdays and include garden planning, garden soils, seed starting, and more. Some classes are available online via Zoom. All are taught at the Washington State University(WSU) Research and Extension Center in Puyallup. Classes are free but you must register in advance.
WSU’s suggested timeline for fertilizing lawns in western Washington is November 15–December 7, April 15, June 15, and September 1. To improve thin areas – aerate, overseed and top-dress with about ¼” compost – April/May or September are the best times. New lawns should be seeded in spring, prior to Memorial Day or in fall, after Labor Day. Choose a lawn seed suited to the Pacific Northwest – a fine fescue and perennial ryegrass mix based on your sun conditions. Check WSU resources for ways to control moss, clover, and dandelions in your lawn.
Gardening resources for Washington State – flower beds, fruits, lawns, pest management, and more.
If you have suggestions about plants and plant care for the bulletin, email